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[Circular 6/2024] Background documents of the Executive Bureau (WORLD 집행부회의 회의자료 및 기타 안내자료)

작성자ADMIN 작성일2024-03-29
[Circular 6/2024] Background documents of the Executive Bureau (WORLD 집행부회의 회의자료 및 기타 안내자료) 기본정보
등록일 2024-03-29 09:54:08
최종수정일 2024-07-08 01:15:54

Barcelona, 28 March 2024
To the members of the Executive Bureau
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

UCLG 2024 Executive Bureau
Background documents of the Executive Bureau


Dear members,

We are pleased to share with you the background documents for the Business Session of the Executive Bureau, to be held on 19 April 2024 in San José.
Please note that these docu
ments are also available on the UCLGMeets platform.
UCLG is aiming to organize a paperless event and will have limited printing facilities in situ, so you are kindly requested to bring your own copies of the documents or consult them directly online.
If you have not done so already, we remind you that registration to the meetings in San José is compulsory. Please make sure you fill in the registration form by 12 April 2024, whether you are planning to attend in person or online.
After 12 April, the list of participants will no longer be up-dated.
General programme
The general programme has been slightly up-dated with a couple of timing adjustments.
As previously informed, the Executive Bureau will be divided in different segments, allowing to cover the items of the agenda and providing space to hold policy debates. Please note that the concept notes of the policy debates will be uploaded directly on UCLGMeets, the week before the meetings.
Please note that the event organized by the National Union of Local Governments of Costa Rica (UNGL) has an independent registration process.
Interpretation will be available in English and Spanish, as well as transportation from the two main hotels to the Convention Center.
Logistical reminder
All the logistical information you need is detailed in the information note for in-person participation, and can be summarized as follows:
The meetings of the Executive Bureau will be celebrated at Hotel Barceló San José.
Our hosts in San José have selected two hotels for participants at a negotiated rate:

  • Hotel Barceló San José (97$ double room for single use)
  • Hotel Crowne Plaza Corobicí (105$ double room for single use)

The booking process is detailed in the information note.
For those participants who might need personalized invitation letters for visa purposes, please write to Ms. Kattia León from the Municipality of San José at kleon@msj.go.cr, copying UCLGExBu@uclg.org.
Please note that the hosts will put in place a shuttle service from the airport to the two main hotels. In order to help the organization of the local transport, delegates are required to provide information on their arrival and departure while completing the registration form.
The hosts will also arrange transport from the two main hotels to the other venues indicated in the programme. The schedule will be published on UCLGMeets a few days before the meetings.
If you are planning to participate online, you can read our information note for online participation for more details.
The World Secretariat remains at your disposal, should you require any additional information: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.


The UCLG World Secretariat

붙임 문서 : 

1. 회의자료(영문 / AI국문 번역)

2. 업데이트 일정표(영문 / AI국문 번역)

3. 오프라인 참석자 참고사항(영문 / AI국문 번역)

4. 온라인 참석자 참고사항(영문 / AI국문 번역)


  • 담당팀 : 국제교류부
  • 담당자 :
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6036