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노던포럼 답장

작성자관리자 작성일2009-09-22
노던포럼 답장 기본정보
대륙 북미 미국
등록일 2009-09-22 10:39:08
최종수정일 2024-07-14 22:41:04

DearMr. Han,

Thankyou for your expression of interest and verification of intent of the Gangwon-do Provinceto join the Northern Forum.

I willdo my best to answer your inquiries. Please do not hesitate to ask for furtherclarification if any major points remain unclear. If there is a need to arrangea teleconference call so that you may speak directly with The Northern ForumExecutive Director, Priscilla Wohl, I would be glad to arrange it at yourconvenience in the very near future.

Summarizing initially that yes, the two main aspects you statedare indeed correct:


  • 담당팀 : 국제교류부
  • 담당자 :
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6036