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Local Government in Korea

작성자관리자 작성일2009-09-29
Local Government in Korea 기본정보
발간일 1999-07-01
등록일 2009-09-29 15:46:14
최종수정일 2024-07-15 19:06:10

Local Government in Korea

Chapter 1  Overview of Local Government in Korea  

Local Autonomy in Korea  

Introduction ▒
Constitutional Guarantee for Local Autonomy ▒

Development Process of Local Autonomy Administration    

The First Period (936~1948) ▒
The Second Period (1948~1988) ▒
The Third Period (1988~Present) ▒

Features of Local Government in Korea

Uniformity of the Local Autonomy System ▒
Structure of Multi-Strata Local Administration ▒
Regulation of the Local Administrative Organizations by the Central Government ▒
Two-tier Structure of Local Public Service Personnel  System ▒
Too Many Delegated Affairs ▒
Weakness and Inequity in Local Public Finance ▒
National Monitor Guardianship for Local Governments ▒

Chapter 2  Structure of Local Government  

Types of Local Government  

General Local Governments ▒
Special Local Governments ▒

Stratification of Local Government

Stratification At Present ▒ 
Reform of the Stratification Structure ▒

Administrative Area of Local Government  

The Administrative Area ▒
Alteration of Jurisdiction ▒

Power of Local Government 

Autonomous Legislative Power ▒
Organizing Power ▒
Administrative Power ▒
Financial Power ▒

Chapter 3  Residents of Local Government  

Significance and Status of Residents

Significance of Residents ▒
Status of Residents ▒

Rights of Residents

Right to Use Public Facilities and Properties ▒
Right to Receive Administrative Benefits ▒
Right to Participate in Local Elections ▒

Duties of Residents

Duties of Sharing Expenditures ▒
Duties of Being Observant of Laws and Regulations ▒

Chapter 4  Institutions of Local Government  

Local Council

Status of the Local Council ▒
Power of the Local Council ▒
Organization and Operation of Local Council ▒
Rights and Obligations of Local Councilors ▒

Executive Bodies

The Chief Executive of Local Government ▒
Auxiliary Administrative Organizations ▒
Associated Administrative Organizations ▒
Organizational Structure ▒
Local Educational Administrative Organizations ▒

Relationships between Local Council and Local Chief Executive 

Checks and Balances
Power Relationship between Local Council and Local Chief Executive ▒
Power of Local Chief Executive over Local Council ▒

Elections of Heads and Councilors of Local Government

Voting Franchise and Electoral Eligibility ▒
Election District and Full Number of Local Councilors ▒
Registration of Candidates ▒
Election Campaign ▒
Electoral Lawsuits ▒

Chapter 5  Function of Local Government  

Principles and Criteria on the Distribution of Function

Principle on the Distribution of Function ▒
Criteria for the Distribution of Functions ▒

Nature of Local Government Affairs

Local Autonomous Affairs ▒
Delegated Affairs ▒

Types of Affairs by Local Government

Affairs Belonging to Upper-Level (Provincial) Local Government ▒
Affairs Belonging to Lower-Level (Municipal) Local Government ▒

Aspects of Functional Distribution

Function of Residents  Welfare Improvement ▒
Function of Industrial and Economic Development ▒
Function of Regional Development ▒
Function of Education and Culture ▒
Function of Public Safety ▒
Function of General Administration ▒

Special Regulations on Seoul and Metropolitan Cities

Seoul Metropolitan City ▒
Autonomous District ▒
Cities with Populations of More Than 500,000 People ▒

Chapter 6  Local Government Civil Service System 


Current Status of Personnel Administration ▒
The Legislative System ▒
Fundamental Ideology of Local Government Civil Service System ▒
Characteristics of Local Government Civil Service System ▒

Classification of Local Government Officials

Career Service and Special Career Service ▒
Classification of Grade ▒
Position Classification System ▒

Personnel Administration Organization

The Person with the Right to Appoint ▒
Personnel Administration Committee ▒
Petition Review Committee ▒

Recruitment and Examination of Local Government Officials

Recruitment of Local Government Officials ▒
Examination ▒

Education and Training

National Institute of Professional Administration ▒
Local Training Institutes ▒

Chapter 7  Local Public Finance  

Revenue and Expenditure of Local Public Finance

The Size and Structure of Local Public Finance ▒
Revenue Structure of Local Public Finance ▒
Expenditure Structure of Local Public Finance ▒

Relationships with National Public Finance

Comparison between National and Local Public Finance ▒
Local Allocation Tax ▒
National Subsidies ▒
Local Transfer Tax ▒

Operation and Budget of Local Public Finance

Budget Compilation ▒
Budget Deliberation ▒
Budget Execution ▒
Settlement of Accounts and Audits ▒

Local Public Enterprises

Introduction ▒
Local Public Enterprises by Management Types ▒

Chapter 8  Local Tax  

Local Tax System and Structure

The Tax System ▒
The Local Tax System and Structure ▒
Local Tax Revenues ▒
Local Tax Rate System ▒

Kinds of Local Tax

The Scope of Local Taxes ▒
The Acquisition Tax ▒
The Registration Tax ▒
The Race and Pari-mutuel Tax ▒
The License Tax ▒
The Resident Tax ▒
The Property Tax ▒
The Automobile Tax ▒
The Farmland Tax ▒
The Tabacco Consumption Tax ▒
The Butchery Tax ▒
The Aggregate Land Tax ▒
The Urban Planning Tax ▒
The Common Facilities Tax ▒
The Business Office Tax ▒
The Regional Development Tax ▒

Chapter 9  Intergovernmental Relations  

Relations between Central Government and Local Governments

Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) ▒
Supervision of Local Administration by the Central Government ▒
Mediation and Support by Central Government ▒
Role of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs with regard to Local Government ▒

Relations between Upper-Level and Lower-Level Local Government

Apportionment of Roles between Upper-Level and Lower-Level Local Governments ▒
Supervision of the Upper-Level Local Chief Executive with respect to Lower-Level Local Government ▒

Relations among Local Governments

Area-Wide Administrative System ▒
Administrative Consultative Council ▒
Local Government Association ▒
Trust ▒

Chatper 10  Issues and Prospects  

Conversion of Mentality ▒
The Response to the Environmental Changes in Local Autonomy Administration as Needs Increase ▒
The Foundation of the Local Autonomy System: Functional Distribution, Structural Stratification, and Area ▒
Increase in the Financial Capacity of Local Government ▒
Balanced Regional Development ▒
Rationalization of the Local Government Administration ▒
Promoting the Globalization of Local Government ▒

Local Autonomy Act   




  • 담당팀 : 국제교류부
  • 담당자 :
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6036