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Support for 57th ASEAN Day Campaign

Support for 57th ASEAN Day Campaign 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2024-07-24
Dear Members,

We are pleased to inform you that the 57th ASEAN Day is approaching. The ASEAN Secretariat is launching a special initiative: “Voice from ASEAN”. This initiative encourages everyone to participate by submitting videos that capture their vision for ASEAN in 2045.

UCLG ASPAC, as the secretariat of the ASEAN Mayors Forum (AMF), would like to invite all members to take part in this initiative.

You can find the visual and more information about the initiative through this link: https://bit.ly/ASEAN57-VoicefromASEAN 

Thank you, and we look forward to your response.

Best regards,
UCLG ASPAC Secretariat
Jakarta Capital City Government Office (City Hall of Jakarta) Building H, 21st Floor
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9  Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia
  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043