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[Circular 5/2021] Contribute to the next UCLG-CIB Policy Paper on Development Cooperation

[Circular 5/2021] Contribute to the next UCLG-CIB Policy Paper on Development Cooperation 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2021-03-29

Barcelona, 24 March 2020
To the members of the World Council
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

Contribute to the next UCLG-CIB Policy Paper on Development Cooperation
Deadline: 6 April 2021


Dear members of the World Council, 
As you might know, UCLG, through its Working Group on Capacity and Institution-Building (CIB), is currently starting the drafting of an up-dated Policy Paper on local government development cooperation.
This message aims at inviting you to actively contribute and enrich the content of the background study needed to develop the policy recommendations that will be broadly owned by the UCLG membership and based on its experience. 

Methodology and process 

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) will lead a background study that will up-date the UCLG-CIB policy paper (‘Development Cooperation and Local Government’, 2013). The background study will provide input for the policy paper (led by the UCLG-CIB Working Group), and will aim to build the case for a continued role of local and regional governments in development cooperation, and will emphasize that, globally, local governments are key actors that drive development and support decentralization processes. 
Your inputs will be gathered through a survey. Interactive discussions based on survey responses will be organized in April.
Discussions with the relevant Policy Councils of UCLG will be further organized to fine-tune policy statements and recommendations.  
A draft policy statement on the topic of 'Development Cooperation & Local Governments' resulting from the above consultations will be produced ahead of the UCLG Executive Bureau meeting in May (dates to be confirmed). A longer policy paper (which includes more in-depth case studies) will be developed and discuss with the UCLG broad membership for adoption of the World Council.
FOR ACTION: Your inputs are needed 
1. Provide input via a 30-minute survey before the 6th of April

The first way to contribute to the research is to answer to the following survey.

[Should you have any issues accessing the online survey, you can also download the Word version here and send it back to uclg.cib@vng.nl]
The deadline for answering the survey is the 6th of April. 
2. Join dedicated workshop with CIB members on 20 April, 15:00-17:00 CEST

IDS has indicated that it would be very useful to arrange for a meeting with CIB members to discuss the first outcomes and perhaps also a first outline of the research. CIB and IDS propose Tuesday 20 April for this online workshop, from 15:00-17:00 CEST. Please register here if you want to participate.
The CIB Secretariat and the UCLG Policy team remain at your full service should you have any additional questions or concerns.


The UCLG World Secretariat

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043