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[Circular 22/2020] UCLG-Guangzhou 2020 World Council: Up-dated programme and information(관련 자료 다운로드)

[Circular 22/2020] UCLG-Guangzhou 2020 World Council: Up-dated programme and information(관련 자료 다운로드) 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2020-11-09

Barcelona, 6 November 2020
To the members of the World Council
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

UCLG-Guangzhou 2020 World Council
Up-dated programme and information


Dear members of the World Council,
We are pleased to share with you the latest up-dates for the virtual meetings of the World Council next week.
Below you will find up-dates on the meetings of the Committees from 9 to 11 November. These are open meetings and we encourage you all to participate as you will be able to get a taste of the detailed work programmes and participate in the interactive discussions.

You can read the agendas of the corresponding meetings below:

[UP-DATE] We would also like to inform all the European members of UCLG that they are welcome to register to the European Caucus convened by CEMR on Tuesday 10, at 10:00 CET.
High-Level Policy Dialogue on Ecological Transition
12 November 2020, 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Enclosed you will find the concept note and programme of the High-Level Policy Dialogue on Ecological Transition.
The Dialogue will be structured into two discussions:

  • Global governance and international policy making processes
  • The Universal Declaration of Humankind Rights seen from UCLG: a question of planetary resilience 

The discussion panels will count on the presence of the Executive Director of UNEP, the Former French Minister of Ecological Transition, and many of our members and partners from sister organizations.

Official Opening and UCLG Executive Bureau
12 November 2020, 14:30-18:00 (CET)

Official Opening of the UCLG World Council, 14:30-15:15 (CET)
We are pleased to confirm that the Official Opening of our World Council will count on high-level addresses from a State leader of the Chinese government and from our hosts, the President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Mayor of Guangzhou, as well as from the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of UCLG.  
Opening Policy Debate: Addressing Inequalities, key in the post-COVID era, 15:30-17:00 (CET)
The Opening Policy Debate on Addressing Inequalities, will count on the presence of the Directors General of FAO and IOM and the Executive Director of UN-Habitat, among other speakers.
The round table that will follow the opening speeches will involve the Presidency of UCLG and will revolve around two main issues:

  • Taking stock: the critical need to put inequalities at the top of the shared agenda of local and regional governments and communities
  • Building up a collective response: what is the role of UCLG?

Business Session of the UCLG Executive Bureau, 17:00-18:00 (CET)
The Business Session of the Executive Bureau will be divided into three segments:

  1. Powering the Network: this segment will include statutory and organic issues that underpin the work of the Organization
  2. Looking ahead: tools to contribute to recovery: this segment will present the instruments that will pave the road in the coming years.
  3. Accelerating priorities: this segment will look at how to make the UCLG Decalogue actionable.

UCLG World Council
13 November 2020, 13:30-18:30 (CET)

Opening of the World Council Session, 13:30-14:00 (CET)
The World Council Day will start with a brief opening that will count with representation from the President of UCLG and high-level representatives from CPAFFC and the Municipality of Guangzhou.
Policy Debate: Leading the way to recovery: Towards a new pact for the future, 14:00-15:30 (CET)
This Policy Debate will address what the recovery means and what it needs to look like as we gear up towards a better normal. It will count, among others, on the presence of the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights.
Business Session of the World Council, 15:45-18:30 (CET)
The Business Session of the World Council will also be divided into different segments:

  1. Introduction and Presidency report
  2. Powering the Organization: this segment will cover the more organic issues of our Organization.
  3. UCLG Acting for People: this segment will debate on how to define the future with and for the communities.
  4. UCLG Acting for the Planet: this segment will look at defining the commitments towards sustainability and resilience.
  5. UCLG Acting for Government: this segment will debate on how to define governing in partnership.

Registration & General Participation

Please note that registrations to the World Council week will be closed by Monday 9 November.

  • The information note we previously shared also includes details on how to access the UCLGMeets platform.
  • As all the sessions will take place via Zoom, we high recommend to ensure you have the most recent version of the app downloaded (tutorial here). 

The World Secretariat remains at your disposal, should you require any additional information: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.

The UCLG World Secretariat


All documents at a glance:


Monday 9 November:

Tuesday 10 November:

Wednesday 11 November:

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