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Notice of 2020 BRLC International e-Commerce Training held virtually

Notice of 2020 BRLC International e-Commerce Training held virtually 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2020-11-05

Dear Members,

BRLC Secretariat works together with UCLG ASPAC Secretariat in organizing the Third International e-Commerce Training Workshop from November 16-20, 2020. The training aims to help members of UCLG and BRLC to battle the COVID-19 and resume development.  

UCLG ASPAC Members are invited to participate in this training. The maximum number of participants from each member city or organization is five. The training schedule is as follows:

1. Training Content
Courses will be taken in various forms including recorded video lessons, interactive livestreams, case analysis and seminars. The courses will equip participants with knowledge regarding digital economy, e-commerce, and new trends in the new ear as well as opportunities posed thereby. It will also explain the construction of e-commerce’s eco-system elaborately and the transformative role of information technology on future industries. Participants could draw inspirations from Alibaba’s eco-platform, the pilot zone of cross-border e-commerce in Hangzhou and the establishment of entrepreneurial eco-system to promote the development of digital economy in local countries and regions in the future.


 2. Training dates and location
DatesNovember 16-20, 2020
Note: For participants who are not available on these dates, we will provide video replay access to the training content within a certain timeframe. In order to achieve the best results, however, we recommend all participants to attend the training courses on schedule.
Location: This is an online training hosted on Alibaba Group Taobao University’s online learning platformAliClass. We’ll also have a training group for communication where you can raise questions and interact with other workshop participants.

 3. Participants
Members of UCLG-ASPAC and BRLC.
Due to technology constraints, the maximum number of participants for this training workshop (including staff) is 500. Registration will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

4. Points for Attention
A.How to register:
Please follow the instructions in attached file named “BRLC Training Registration & DingTalk Guide” or the following steps to register.
1) Download DingTalk Lite
• Mobile: Search “DingTalk Lite” in Google Play or the Apple App Store
• PC: Go to https://www.dingtalk.jp/wow/dingtalk/act/en-download

2) Create your account
Note: Please use your real name to register.

3) Complete the registration survey and apply to join the training group
Survey linkhttps://survey.taobao.com/apps/zhiliao/vhd6O92p-
You can also scan the QR code above to apply
If opeining the link is problematic on your phone, please try it agian on the computer
Once you submit the survey, you’ll automatically be taken to an application page to apply to join the training group. Please note that the Taobao University team will process your application within 24 hours.

4) Enter the training group
• Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a notice that you can enter the training group. To enter the group, select the Work tab in your DingTalk interface.

• Next, select the dr-opdown tab at the top of your DingTalk interface and choose the BRLC group.
• Once you’re in the BRLC group, select the AliClass icon.
• Then you’ll see the interface of BRLC training where you’ll be able to watch all the recorded video classes for the workshop.
• We will also notify you of the latest up-dates on video classes and livestreams in the training group throughout the training workshop. Feel free to post any questions or comments in this group.

5) How to watch recorded video classes
Recorded video classes will be available in the AliClass interface when posted. Simply click on the video to watch.

6) How to watch livestream webinar sharings
Livestreams will be held directly in the training group at the designated livestream time. Simply open the livestream in the training group and you’ll be able to watch and comment on the webinar.


B. Participant responsibilities (important)
1) Follow Chinese laws, regulations and social norms as well as the rules of training management and participant guidelines. Accept the arrangement made for the training workshop as well as any related adjustments. If participants violate any of these rules, they will be held responsible for the related losses.
2) Without express written consent from Taobao University, no material from this training workshop may be recorded in any format, including audio recordings, video recordings, screen shots or other information capture methods. All materials gathered from this training are for the sole use of participants learning on the DingTalk platform exclusively. Participants will be asked to agree to this term during the registration process.
3) Without express written consent from Taobao University, no material from this workshop may be shared externally. Any violation of this term, such as putting the content or materials of the training on the Internet or other media platform will be seen as an infringement of intellectual property rights and the participant who is responsible for this will bear legal consequences and be asked to compensate for the related losses (including but not limited to reasonable legal fees).
4) In order to improve the training quality, participants will be asked to complete a satisfaction survey as each day’s training is finished. It would be much appreciated if you could take the time to fill out the questionnaire and let us know your feedback.

Thank you

Attachment 1: BRLC Training Schedule (draft)
Attachment 2: BRLC Training Registration & DingTalk Guide
Attachment 3: BRLC Training Informational flyer

United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) Jakarta Capital City Government Office (City Hall of Jakarta), Building H, 21st Floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.8-9 Jakarta 10110, Indonesia |Hotline Number : +62 813 1128 7863  Tel: +62 21 389 01 801 | E-mail: secretariat@uclg-aspac.org | Website: www.uclg-aspac.org Twitter: @uclgaspac | Facebook: www.facebook.com/uclgaspac | Skype: uclg-aspac 

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043