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[Circular 19/2020] Executive Bureau Background Documents (11.12 WORLD 집행부회의 자료)

[Circular 19/2020] Executive Bureau Background Documents (11.12 WORLD 집행부회의 자료) 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2020-10-28

Barcelona, 27 October 2020
To the members of the Executive Bureau
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

UCLG-Guangzhou 2020 World Council 
Executive Bureau Background Documents


Dear members of the Executive Bureau,
We are pleased to enclose the background documents for the Executive Bureau virtual meeting that will take place via Zoom on Thursday 12th November 2020.
Up-dated programme
You will find here the up-dated programme of the whole week.
We are also pleased to share with you the detailed programme of the Executive Bureau session, including:

  • The Official Opening of the World Council
  • The Policy Debate on Addressing inequalities, key in the post-COVID era
  • The Business Session of the Executive Bureau

Please note that the agendas of the Committee meetings and the Guangzhou session on urban innovation are available at the end of this circular, including the details to connect to the different virtual sessions, which will all have interpretation in the three working languages of UCLG (English, French and Spanish), as well as in Chinese.
High-Level Policy Dialogues
The High-Level Policy Dialogues, organized on 12 November, will focus on ecological transition, addressing the links between democratic processes and the needs of ecological transition to build the post-COVID era, as well as the possible synergies between international institutions, local and regional governments and national governments in view of the green recovery.
Please note that we will share more information on the different Policy Dialogues and Debates by next week.
Registration & General Participation in World Council
If you have still not registered to participate in the UCLG World Council, please see the attached information note with the links to register for the Executive Bureau, World Council, and Policy Dialogues during this #UCLGMeets week.
The World Secretariat continues to make improvements and expand the spaces for interaction and information on UCLGMeets.org. The documents and debate spaces will be open as of Thursday 29 October, 12:00 (CET). In the information note, you will find further instructions on access to the platform for both new, and returning users.
The World Secretariat remains at your disposal, should you require any additional information: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.

The UCLG World Secretariat

All documents at a glance:
·         Executive Bureau background documents
·         Up-dated overview programme of #UCLGMeets week
·         Detailed programme of the Executive Bureau session
·         Information note on registration
Monday 9 November:
·         Agenda of the Permanent Working Group on Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises meeting
·         Agenda of the Committee on Urban Strategic Planning meeting
Tuesday 10 November:
·         Agenda of the Committee on Local Social and Economic Development meeting
·         Agenda of the Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights meeting
Wednesday 11 November:
·         Agenda of the session on Urban innovation during COVID times, organized by Guangzhou
·         Agenda of the Committee on Culture meeting
·         Agenda of the meeting on the International Municipal Investment Fund

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043