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[Circular 18/2020] Massive and Open Online Course about the LLEs #BeyondTheOutbreak

[Circular 18/2020] Massive and Open Online Course about the LLEs #BeyondTheOutbreak 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2020-10-23
Barcelona, 21 October 2020
To the members of UCLG 
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments

To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

Massive and Open Online Course about the LLEs #BeyondTheOutbreak
Available on the new online platform #LearningWithUCLG

Dear Members,

We have the pleasure to inform you that the first UCLG Massive and Open Online Course (MOOC), based on the 17 Live Learning Experiences (LLE) #BeyondTheOutbreak is available on the new online platform #LearningWithUclg through this link.

The LLE, organized with UN-Habitat and Metropolis included more than 268 speakers from 97 cities/regions of 50 countries, and highlighted the importance of local public service delivery during and beyond the pandemic.

The course, organized as a self e-learning format, focuses on eight specific thematic areas such as housing, mobility, digital technologies, migration, culture, local finance, public services and gender. The course is integrated with the briefings and materials of the LLE and also include video and graphics.

The UCLG #BeyondTheOutbreak MOOC, supported by the Barcelona Provincial Council, is an interactive tool offering from 2 to 20 learning hours, including videos and quizzes. We look forward to the dissemination of this first course in our network and through social media, and to exchanging with members on the future possibilities of online Learning. 

Should you have any further questions, please write directly to learning@uclg.org.


The UCLG World Secretariat

Please click on the links below to access the following documents:

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043