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[Circular 7/2020] Decalogue for the COVID-19 aftermath

[Circular 7/2020] Decalogue for the COVID-19 aftermath 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2020-04-27

Barcelona, 27 April 2020
To the members of the World Council
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

Decalogue for the COVID-19 aftermath

For consultation until 18 May 2020

Dear members,
The UCLG network, its membership, secretariats and the community it represents has been living and working differently since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As World Organization, the day-to-day is dedicated to bringing useful tools and materials to the membership, inspiring them on how to address the needs of the communities in the worst of the pandemic. It is now also time to think of the future and set a roadmap for transformation in post-COVID era. Local and regional governments are ready to lead that discussion and the UCLG Presidency has agreed on a Decalogue as the basis for future steps.

Ten recommendations to change the world beyond the outbreak
The Decalogue for the post COVID-19 era is the political charter of UCLG in these times of crisis, building on the Durban Declaration and focusing on the commitment of local and regional governments to build a world of solidarity. The ten actions highlighted in the Decalogue aim to transform how the governance system interacts with communities by protecting those that need it the most, transforming the multilateral system, and ensuring that the sacrifices that we are undertaking do not become a burden for the communities of the future.
The Decalogue highlights how the solidarity promoted by local and regional governments has become a beacon of security, and it should guide the transformations we need. Local and regional governments have demonstrated their capacity to act as promoters and guardians of this solidarity both nationally and internationally. It recalls the relevance of the 2030 Agenda principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular in these trying times, as a framework for the transformational measures that need to be implemented. It further calls for a renewed and stronger multilateral system and for financial measures that will ensure the sustainability of the service provision.
[Read the Decalogue here]
We invite all our UCLG members to share their comments on the Decalogue. You can do so in writing to policy@uclg.org, in one of the three working languages of UCLG (English, French and Spanish). The consultation process will remain open until 18th May.
We hope that you will find, like our Presidency, that despite the diverse realities of our membership, this Decalogue expresses both our determined commitment and our collective vision to answer the needs of the communities now and for future generations.
As usual, the team remains at your disposal for any comments you might have or any contributions you might want to share. Please feel free to write to us at policy@uclg.org.

The UCLG World Secretariat

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043