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[Circular 32] Report on the key decisions of the governing bodies

[Circular 32] Report on the key decisions of the governing bodies 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2019-12-09

Barcelona, 5 December 2019
To the members of the World Council
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

UCLG World Congress - Summit of Local and Regional Leaders
Report on the key decisions of the governing bodies

Dear members,
Following the 6th UCLG World Congress and Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, held in Durban on 11-15 November 2019, we would like to congratulate you again for your appointment to the governing bodies of UCLG. The World Council is the principal policy-making body of our World Organization: it meets once a year, decides the general policies and ensures they are implemented. We look forward to working with each and every one of you during this new mandate!
[Please click on the following link to consult the list of members appointed to the World Council and Executive Bureau for the mandate 2019-2022]
This circular aims to be a single-entry point to all the main decisions, in particular to the report of key decisions taken by the statutory bodies that met in Durban, which have not been circulated before.
In order to allow you to have a more concrete sense of what you have been a part of, let us share with you a few facts:

  • The Summit in Durban was attended by over 3,000 delegates from local, regional and national governments, as well as the private sector, civil society, academia and the international community represented at the highest level.
  • Participants came from more than 120 countries.
  • The programme included more than 150 sessions.
  • Throughout all the sessions, more than 400 speakers intervened.

Welcome to UCLG’s governing bodies
[Please click on the following link to read our publication “Welcome to the Centenary Movement of Local and Regional Governments: Basic Guide for active participation in UCLG’s governing bodies”]
In this statutory guide, now available online, you will find summaries of who we are, what we stand for, and how UCLG’s internal governance and operational structures are organized. For any questions you might have on this or other internal governance issues, your focal point in the World Secretariat is the statutory affairs team that can be reached directly at the following email: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.
In order to help you plan the year ahead, we are also glad to provide you with a calendar of key events for 2020. Please note that this calendar presents selected events where there are specific roles for the World Organization, it is not a comprehensive events calendar of UCLG, its sections or its members. A full calendar is available on the UCLG Website.
Please also note that the key event calendar will be regularly up-dated according to new information or confirmations the World Secretariat receives.
The Statutory Track of our Congress
[Please click on the following link to read the report on key decisions]
On an institutional level, the Durban Congress was a key moment for our Organization that saw the election of the UCLG Presidential team, under the leadership of Mr Mohamed Boudra, President of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Communal Councils and Mayor of Al Hoceima, for the 2019-2022 mandate, as well as the renewal of the governing bodies you are a part of.
Other decisions were taken, related to the policies and work plan of the World Organization, as well as to statutory and institutional affairs.
We are pleased to share with you the report on key decisions taken by the different governing bodies on this occasion. Detailed reports will be presented to the relevant bodies for adoption during the next meetings.
We would like to thank all of you again for your active participation and insightful contributions during our meetings in Durban.
Our World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders
The outcome documents were numerous and we thank you for your many contributions and involvement.
The Durban Political Declaration is based on the work of our constituency, encompassing the principles of the global municipalist movement, the need for ownership of global agendas by local and regional governments, and the commitments of our movement to meet ambitious global goals.
The Assembly Track allowed for the thematic priorities from each of UCLG’s sections to be a part of the discussions of the Congress. Through position papers, presented during the Summit, the municipal movement received inputs on the challenges of urbanization, financialization, resilience, alignment with the SDGs and migration, through regional perspectives.
The Town Hall Track was the space for dialogue and interaction between different internationally organized civil society constituencies, and the political leadership of our constituency, to jointly define our global policies. Our partners drafted policy papers, also presented during the Summit, on different themes: accessible and inclusive cities; addressing informality in cities; right to the city; gender equality and women’s empowerment; and sustainable urban development.
The special sessions that took place during the Summit debated the future of policies that were already a part of our work and developed manifestos that address the future of the municipal movement on ten strategic topics: local finance; equality, beyond Beijing+25; mobility; culture; ecology; housing; transparency and open government; biodiversity; migration; and resilience.
Our presence online
You can access our photo galleries via our Flickr account, where you will find a specific album of the statutory meetings that took place in Durban.
We are also glad to share with the coverage of the Congress by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).
We hope this information was useful and remain at your disposal for any questions you might have. Please feel free to write to the Statutory Affairs team at UCLGExBu@uclg.org.

The UCLG World Secretariat

All you can read at a glance:

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