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[Circular 3] Information about 2018 Guangzhou Award FAQ

[Circular 3] Information about 2018 Guangzhou Award FAQ 기본정보
작성자 GAOKADMIN관리자 작성일 2018-06-18
Only 3 months to go before the deadline to apply for the 4th Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation!

Here are some common questions that the Secretariat have received.
Q: What can I get from participating in the Award?
A: Through participating in the Award, you can get a wide range of benefits, including
  • US$ 20,000 - for winning cities/regions only
  • free journey to Guangzhou, China and back for 2 representatives during the final assessment - for shortlisted cities/regions only
  • invitation to the 2018 Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Conference, 
  • invitation to other international activities (seminars, workshops, study tours, etc.) organized by the Secretariat of Guangzhou Award, 
  • exchange with peers as well as representatives from business and academia, and
  • global exposure.
Q: How many initiatives can I submit?
A: There is no limit to the number of initiatives a city/region can submit.

For a large integrated initiative, it is recommended to submit up to 3 sub-initiatives. This allows the judges to have a better understanding of the innovation you are presenting.
Q: What type of initiatives should I submit?
A: The Award recognizes a wide range of thematic areas.

The 4th cycle places special focus on innovative initiatives (ongoing or completed within the last 2 years) that seek to realize the 2030 Agenda - Sustainable Development Goals (particularly SDG 11) and New Urban Agenda.

For the New Urban Agenda, emphasis is put on
  • urban planning and design,
  • financing urban development, and
  • access to affordable housing, infrastructure, and services.
Q: How are the applications assessed?
A: The assessment process is split into 2 stages.
  1. Eligible entries are given to an independent Technical Committee (TC) for the first round of screening. The TC will select no more than 15 finalists.
  2. Shortlisted cities/regions are invited to Guangzhou to present their initiatives during the Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Conference. Based on their performance as well as the written materials, an independent Jury will decide on up to 5 winners.
Q: What are the assessment criteria?
A: During their evaluation, the judges will consider 4 criteria:
  1. Innovativeness: the extent to which a forward-looking policy, an original project, new business model or creative practice has been developed to address a major social, economic, environmental or governance issue;
  2. Effectiveness: the extent to which the initiative has achieved or is well on its way to achieving its stated objective(s) and/or desirable outcomes;
  3. Replicability/Transferability: the value of lessons learned from the initiative in inspiring others to adopt new policies or good practices;
  4. Significance: the importance or relevance of the initiative in addressing problems and issues of public concern.
Q: How do I apply for the Award?
A: The application deadline for the 4th cycle is 23:59:59, 31 Aug, 2018 (UTC +8:00). It is, however, not suggested to submit at the last moment lest there be technical failures. To make your submission, you need to follow these steps.
  1. Go to http://apply.guangzhouaward.org.
  2. Create an account - if you are using it for the first time - and log onto to the application system.
  3. Click "Register an initiative" and fill out the contact information* and an abstract of the initiative.
  4. Click "Add an application" and fill out detailed information of the initiative.
  5. Send the descriptive and additional materials - if there are - to info@guangzhouaward.org.
  6. Voila! You have completed the application process.
* We collect contact information for the purpose of updating you about the Award and will not disclose such information to any third party without your consent.
  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043