
  1. 지방외교
  2. 국제기구회의
  3. 세계지방정부연합(UCLG)
  4. 최근소식(Circular)
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세계지방정부연합 회보 목록
번호 구분 제목 첨부파일 조회
57 ASPAC Call for Participation – Workshop on “Vitalization of Local Communities through Community-Driven Cultural Tourism Initiatives” in Jeju, Republic of Korea on 30 July – 2 August 2024 (제주도 지역사회 활성화를 위한 지역사회 중심의 문화 관광 계획 워크숍 참가 안내) Concept+Note_final.pdf 116
56 ASPAC Call for Expression of Interest to Host the 2025 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting and the 2026 UCLG ASPAC Statutory Meetings (2025 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 및 2026 ASPAC 회의 유치 신청 안내) 2025 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 및 2026 ASPAC 회의 유치 신청 안내.hwp 114
55 ASPAC Call for Participation to the APMCDRR 2024 on 14-18 October 2024 APMCDRR 2024_Call for Participation.pdf 119
54 WORLD [Circular 3/2024] 6th UCLG Culture Summit: Call for the host city uclg_culture_summit_2025_-_terms_of_reference_-_eng_-_draft_3_-_def.pdf 220
53 ASPAC Call for Expressions of Interest for the Fifth Class of the Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy 2024 - Call for Interest.pdf 230
52 ASPAC Call for Submissions of Entries for 2024 "Magic Eyes" China (Hangzhou) International Children's Comics Contest (2024 "매직아이" 중국 항저우 국제 어린이 만화 공모전) 2024“Magic Eyes” China (Hangzhou) International Childrens Comics Contest.pdf 310
51 ASPAC Acknowledgment of Active Participation in the Standing Committee on Women in Local Governments (SCWIL) Meeting and a Call for Co-chair Nomination of the Committee Election of UCLG ASPAC SCWILG Co-chair- Nomination Form115196-revsg.docx 307
50 ASPAC An Open Call for the 2023 UCLG ASPAC Congress Photo Contest, Essay Competition, and the Asia-Pacific Sanitation Excellence Award (사진전, 에세이 공모 및 아시아태평양 위생 우수상 공모 안내) 공모 및 시상 관련 자료 묶음.zip 1906
49 ASPAC Call for Applications to the 2023 Global Young Creatives Residency (제주-UCLG 글로벌청년창의레지던시(GYCR) ) 03 Portfolio.ppt 2059
48 ASPAC Calling for entries for the Second Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition Invitation to the Second Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition.pdf 2005
    작성일2024-06-17작성자Call for Participation – Workshop on “Vitalization of Local Communities through Community-Driven Cultural Tourism Initiatives” in Jeju, Republic of Korea on 30 July – 2 August 2024 (제주도 지역사회 활성화를 위한 지역사회 중심의 문화 관광 계획 워크숍 참가 안내)조회수116
    작성일2024-06-12작성자Call for Expression of Interest to Host the 2025 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting and the 2026 UCLG ASPAC Statutory Meetings (2025 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 및 2026 ASPAC 회의 유치 신청 안내) 조회수114
    2025 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 및 2026 ASPAC 회의 유치 신청 안내.hwp
    작성일2024-05-17작성자Call for Participation to the APMCDRR 2024 on 14-18 October 2024조회수119
    APMCDRR 2024_Call for Participation.pdf
    작성일2024-03-06작성자 [Circular 3/2024] 6th UCLG Culture Summit: Call for the host city조회수220
    작성일2024-02-26작성자Call for Expressions of Interest for the Fifth Class of the Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy조회수230
    Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy 2024 - Call for Interest.pdf
    작성일2024-01-25작성자Call for Submissions of Entries for 2024 "Magic Eyes" China (Hangzhou) International Children's Comics Contest (2024 "매직아이" 중국 항저우 국제 어린이 만화 공모전)조회수310
    2024“Magic Eyes” China (Hangzhou) International Childrens Comics Contest.pdf
    작성일2023-12-11작성자Acknowledgment of Active Participation in the Standing Committee on Women in Local Governments (SCWIL) Meeting and a Call for Co-chair Nomination of the Committee조회수307
    Election of UCLG ASPAC SCWILG Co-chair- Nomination Form115196-revsg.docx
    작성일2023-08-16작성자An Open Call for the 2023 UCLG ASPAC Congress Photo Contest, Essay Competition, and the Asia-Pacific Sanitation Excellence Award (사진전, 에세이 공모 및 아시아태평양 위생 우수상 공모 안내)조회수1906
    공모 및 시상 관련 자료 묶음.zip
    작성일2023-08-14작성자Call for Applications to the 2023 Global Young Creatives Residency (제주-UCLG 글로벌청년창의레지던시(GYCR) )조회수2059
    03 Portfolio.ppt
    작성일2023-06-14작성자Calling for entries for the Second Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition조회수2005
    Invitation to the Second Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition.pdf
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