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UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality [Up-dates on the UCLG gender agenda]

UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality [Up-dates on the UCLG gender agenda] 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2019-07-31

Circular 14
UCLG Committees and Working Groups
Barcelona, 29 July 2019

Standing Committee on Gender Equality
Up-dates on the UCLG gender agenda


Dear members,
We are pleased to share with you recent up-dates on our gender agenda.
Working session on gender equality in Paris
UCLG organized a working session on gender equality in local government in Paris on 3rdJuly, taking advantage of the presence of part of our membership in the meetings on international action organized by Cités Unies France.
The session provided with the opportunity to exchange on the All-UCLG gender equality strategy, the preparations of the World Congress and the Beijing+25 Conference in March 2020. 
[Please click on the following link to read the report of the working session.]
Action plan of the All-UCLG gender equality strategy
As you know, the draft strategy was presented to the World Council in Madrid in November 2018 and a commented version, following consultations and working sessions at the UCLG Retreat in February 2019, was shared with the Executive Bureau in Montevideo in April 2019. Based on this draft strategy, which will be presented for adoption to the World Council in Durban, members agreed on the importance to develop a concrete work plan to ensure the implementation and further development of the strategy.
This document was discussed in the working session in Paris and the version we are sharing with you includes the first comments received. As you will see, this action plan is built around the two pillars that compose the strategy itself.
We do hope you will find this action plan reflects not only the main components of the strategy, but also the endeavour of the network as a whole to show its commitment to this crucial issue, both in its internal governance and international advocacy policies.
Should you wish to share any comments or suggestions on the action plan, we invite you to do so using track changes in the document, writing in one of the three UCLG’s official languages (English / French / Spanish). Please make sure your comments reach us before 15th September.
[Please click on the following link to read the action plan.]
Proposal of guidelines to monitor gender equality at UCLG World Congress
Bringing our commitment towards gender equality further, UCLG considers it crucial to lead by example. This is why it will be important to ensure that our major international gathering of local and regional governments also takes into account and applies gender equality.
In order to support this, the World Secretariat has worked on guidelines to enhance true gender equality and gender mainstreaming before, during and after the World Congress in Durban. These guidelines were shared in Paris and received positive feedback from the membership.
As you will see, the guidelines propose basic, practical recommendations, such as ensuring equal representation of men and women in session, as well as monitoring mechanisms.

These guidelines will be shared with the organizers of every session, in every track of the Congress.
[Please click on the following link to read the guidelines to monitor gender equality.]
We thank you again for your contributions and remain at your disposal for any questions or comments you might have. Please feel free to contact us at: women@uclg.org.

The UCLG World Secretariat

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043