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암스트라담 roots축제

작성자관리자 작성일2009-10-08
암스트라담 roots축제 기본정보
대륙 유럽 네덜란드
등록일 2009-10-08 10:41:09
최종수정일 2024-07-02 00:40:25


Netherland Amsterdam roots Festival

□ 2008 Festival 특징

○ 11th edition of Amsterdam Roots Festival

- The Amsterdam Roots Festival has been one of the leading international music festival for ten years now.

- The festival presents pioneering developments within world music for a large and varied audience.

- The mix of ethnic backgrounds, music styles and the contact between the different population groups has become essential for the festival.

- From Saturday 14 through Saturday 21 June 2008 the 11th edition brings around 60 concerts at the Concertgebouw, Tropentheater, Melkweg and Paradiso and a large-scale free open air festival at the Oosterpark: Roots Open Air.

○ Theme 2008: World in Europe

- The festival focuses on the theme World in Europe.

- Increasingly more musical influences from other cultures take root in Europe.

- The existing diversity within European world music styles gets a new impulse which the festival is happy to demonstrate.

* 자세한 내용 첨부 문서 참조



  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 :
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6044